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    (HP同人)Take into the Air(英文版) 作者:GuardianMira


    that parti doesn’t our tht away at first, he’s too by g to ters with the   up flowers to worry about what kd of flowers they are; ter, he perhaps ass—without ever nscioly thkg about it— that it’s rando, or lked obscure way to the viality

    “no,” says heriohe lilies are signifit, either to hi or to his beloved that’s how it ually works, with hanahaki it’s always a flower that has ah of the”

    that sends the arsharry’s head spo avoid specutg about who the “beloved” is dra doesn’t want hi to know harry hiself doeso know, ost of the ti but he ’t help it every earths is another crackhis facade of disterest, and bef, he’s wrackg his bras for an answer

    it’s one dra’s known sce he was eleve aybe a fellow hogwarts student; that’s the obvio and ost likely possibility but it uld be oend horo friend dra sees durg his faily’s holidaysfra uld eveeacher, which, eurgh

    it’s one who dra asciates with lilies, or for who lilies havekd of significe of urse, as herioells hi, lilies are flowers of death and , edfuneral servid orials…and jt about everyone dra knows ca of awarti if lilies hold ang to the beloved, that ds down uch at all

    it’s oionship with dra d, irrevocably, when dra was sixteen aybe he’d had a fallg out with the object of his affe or aybe that pern had falleh ohis eve was, ered dra’s disease

    harry runs through a  of all the slythers and the odd raveo be seen with regurly, but dra had phed away al sixth year, for entirely unroantiy of those people uld’ve been the pern and dra is bisexual, which doubles the pool of potential didates

    broodg oiful girls and boys that ight have caught dra’s eye is a tirg, frtratg exercise that leaves harry wantg to shed his sk like an itchy ss

    dra notices of urse he does dra always hgs harry wishes he wouldn’t

    they’ve picked a shady spotthe urtyard to research dra is w as dtrioly as ever, but right  all the deaths and utations and vario other horrible fates people have endured proves too uch for his o ha speak, he’d  thghis face or his body ray hi

    dra broaches the subject of harry’s ill huor with characteristic tact

    “who shoved a broostick up your arse today, potter?” he drawls

    &hat would have bee of a shoutg athtens

    &hat,” he says dra raises one eyebrow, and sirks, and harry rolls his eyes “go flyg, i a beenas”

    out of fairhe other studeh years aren’t allowed on idditch teas harry isses it desperately, but not as u does, aa dra’s right there with hi sure enough, dra doese

    &ch?” dra asks

    “if you’re that ear to have your arse hao you,” says harry

    “we’ll see about that, potter”

    &  their s and bagstheir dors, aheir brs by the kits to grab a uple of sandwiches, which they s on their way out to the pitch dra digs a snitch out of the eiposses it to the air while they ount their broos

    &he haheir broos, they et each other’s eyes, and harry feels as though he’s fally woken up after a long drea

    without a word, they take off to the sky after the slyu’s o seekers alohe air, with no other pyers or balls to worry about or the d of a crowd to distrad when the seekers are alost evehe way harry aransfors to an adrenalepoundg, bl, heartracg whirld of a duel

    & of five?” dra d harry gives the affirative, but they each catitchickly the ga strete, fifteen rounds they lose uhe has to pretend at urtesy or sportsanship; this is pure petition, ahey take off there’s han a yard orof spa the if harry tries to shake dra off, dra atches his every loop and dive and roll with a careless, anic gr if dra tries to catch harry off guard with dizzyg, breakneck ps arouadiu—flyglow they s right out of the stands h harry has trouble catchg his breath—harry anticipates his every ove and follows withoutut of hesitatiohey fet the snitch is there uhe sees it and shouts; then it’s a noholdsbarred aerial sprt foal, weavg over and uher, elbog each other shalessly as they t d closer to the shan once, harry or dra read sher’s wrist by aident (dra cis it’s ai, at least), ach escapes the both he he sky grows dark with frey ps of cloud

    &he ra starts, harry puts the snitd rejos drathe air, as on which of the  pull off the best fets ly danro and foolhardy aneuvers, like a ga of  desigo give ada hooch a heart attack o one is around





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