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    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    &hg that separated the cithe picture fro the o appearedistry fund uld be seen strollg down diagon alley as if he owhe pce, was that the artist had drawn his gs b, and as aghey had appeared when harry had first see hall

    dobby disappeared, as if fleeg fro a possible outburst fro dra at how the hoe elf had broke was he said he had broken, leavg harry and drathe roo

    “dobby…thought it ight help” harry said at st “i didn’t know he was gog to do it”

    dra nodded, his eyes he portrait

    harry sudde as if he osed to be there, as if there wasclosure that dra  he shouldn’t see

    “i’ gog to go tnch,” he said


    harry knew by now that, g fro dra, that was a disissal

    & hall was ore crowded than ual on a saturday, but harry idiately located heriohe crowd of gryffdor students they offered hi tentative siles as he approad sat down across fro the

    “what’s gog on?” harry asked, dicatg the btle of students talkg excitedly

    &s that were out st night all ca back a few hours after you did” ron expeda hhed voice “they were all sehe firary and all of the except bise are updubledore’s ht now they all fasion but people are ulsion”

    &hree cracked ribs, a fraee, fractured jaw, and a severe he ribs punctured his  he’s expected to ake a full revery” herioued

    “it’s supposed to be a secreteveryone knows,” harry rearked, loadg food onto his pte

    “, are you gog to tellened?” ron asked

    & er i eat we’ll go talk”

    harry ate id the three gryffdors left the great hall aowards where hagrid’s hoe was s were illg about today; ost of the seed to be waitg for the verdi the f students

    as they walked, harry told his friends eg with his idea to have dobby  a firepce to alf with ci alfoy’s death

    “bloody hell,” ron said appreciably whehere ae as no one said anythg, then ron frohat en with the anor now”

    “what do you an?”

    “arents were divor his father died norally, like if y father died, the hoe would go to y o and theo the oldest child, or whoever was  alfoy’s , is he?he  herit the property but he ’t live on it until he’s legal”

    “he uld be facg a lot of legal probles thehoughtfully “other adults uld ake a case that he is u becae of his a”

    “true a ci alfoy left everythg to his n” rohe alfoys would stick to traditio alfoy would herit everythg,if he was deed uhe everythg”

    “and aives are death eaters,” harry  “that uld be a proble”

    & won’t be if alfoy turns sixteen on does anyone know his birthday?” herioh harry and ron shook their heads

    harry walked to his and dra’s roos tentatively, u to expect dra was sittg on the uch, lookg to the fire, a thoughtful expression on his face ci alfoy’s portrait was still ohe figure side it looked up slightly whehe roo aly to harry bef his attention to the dow

    dra didn’t look up until harry sat dowo hi on the uch harry thought dra looked uch better now tha  his eyes had returheir al l, and the sullehat had set , though still there, roent as it had been before harry wondered if dra had talked to the portrait of his father after he’d left he k he would have, had there been a portrait of siri bck to talk todfather’s death

    “voldeort killed y father” dra said ftly, his eyes b to harry’s owi to have to fight hi harry…are you gog to kill hi? when you fight hi?”

    “yes,” harry replied evenly and with a nvi he’d  befog to kill hi”

    “proise …that when you do, even though you have your owo kill hi… proisethat part of it will be for y father”

    harry looked for a og o hi, saw how hurt side dra was, saw the sa feelgs that he knew fro his own experiehe o he ight be able to do to help

    “i proise”

    chapter 32: wildfire news

    harry had udent body of hogwarts as attentive as when dubledore ahe four day spehree students fro the sas were hough as harry looked arou hall it was rather apsthe hoes were as his eyes had dois durg the day, he ught out dra who was sittg cally at the breakfast table he had briefly appearedthe great hall for als on sunday, but had sisted on gog to  onday

    “harry, you look ore upset than alfoy,” ron uttered “rex if alfoy was gog to break down, he would have do already”

    “i thk he’s d” herione added harry looked at hersurprise “the faster you t back to your life after ahat, the better it isthe lohe route of their lives helps the





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