正文 分卷阅读63


    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    & yog to go shower”

    &ions first period you know” harry warhat this kd of shower for dra would be a long one

    “oh i know, and if i actually ake it to that css at all i will be very surprised”

    “i should be akg a nt about the u all” harry uttered as his eyes sed the letter “who’s r ar?”

    “r achilles ar is the an who looked after y father’s as alive” dra exped over his shoulder as he left the roo

    harry frowly as he read the ty, scrawlg script thg ab dra’s father’s will after his asthree days it assured dra that while the alfotts aounts were frozen until the readg of the ernal one en for his e, as it was not owned by his father at his father’s ti of death, but by dra hiself

    it al said that after the divorce his father had ade dra’s godfather profesr sever snape, dra’s legal guardian if he should pass away before dra reached legality then, and harry assud that this art dra had bee, it stated that narcissa alfoy had already decred her tention to  the transfer uardianship fro herself to she a he uld only assu that she would al y herita receive fro his departed father but, it said, even though dra would he legal a of seveil juh of that year, a little less than four onths away,light of ew developnts there ay be a way for dra tality despite his a, should the ruors prove true

    should the ruors prove true? harry gulped the an uldalkg about that ruor, uld he? and even if he ould harry’s retionship (if you uld call a few scattered kisses a sessioionship) with dra have anythg to dalthe wizardg world before his birthday?

    harry caught up with herioes before breakfast ended as she ade her way down to the dunons for potions

    “what are the ways that you  bee legalthe wizardg world?” harry asked breathlessly, thoughts jubledhis head, and gaspg fro his run up fro his and dra’s roos

    herione looked surprised for a , “the legal athe wizardg world is seventeen,anyohey tureen however, cto, arrias were arrand at birth and the  to be arried were ually engad at fifteen this started the tradition that a wizard or witch uld bee legalthe wizardg wad they …” heriohe right word, “flexibility… order ts ahe retionship had to be able to provide for his wife, andon” the look on herione’s face showed exactly how ehat idea she was… all “why do you ask, harry?” she estioned hi a send ter, suddenly curio

    “ wondered,” harry said ickly

    herio buy it for an stant “harry, what’s gog ohis has to do with alfoy doesn’t it?”

    “no! well…yes, it kda does, but it’s not what y!” harry sputtered as herione’s face held a look of disapproval “ao be te to potio hurry,” harry d the subject, grateful for a distra he waso have a ion with herio what she had jt told hi,

    harry sat o bed payg abtely uration essay he osed t ohrough the rest of the daythe exaer he still didn’t kh potions with hiself utterly by his tratio eveo divatiuration was all a br to hi but how he found hiself here, after dner, supp uration essay while dra wrote back to that ar

    it was crazy, utterly and horribly d yet he hado take his eyes off dra for the rest of the day when the blonde was around that robably why transfiguration wasbrry and he had  what he sh this essay on his thoughts were all scrabled uphis head, poppg to nscio thought at pets ‘why was heangry about the ntion of those ruors?’ had slipped to his d e was talkg ab butterfly gs…or at least that’s ed he had been talkg about ‘aybe he wasn’t, aybe he was jt a narcissa alfoy had done or aybe he was angry about the veiled nt about the ruors,’ had repeated aroundhis head durg divatio, ‘what if he was angry becae he would roantically?’ pht aroui harry had alost  the air he was breathg,  to ask hi if he was ok ao look at hi spicioly

    “harry would you d if you sped starg at ? you have five utes it’s rather disturbg”

    harry blked ickly a few tis at dra’s words whe the blonde, dra had returo his letter and gave no sign of wantg to ask why harry had been starg at hi it was stran but a sall relief to harry

    &her dra knew, guessed, or did what harry had been thkg of that eveng was not broached by either of the, but harry uldhkg as he fell asleep that night that dra had probably guessed

    chapter 33: the ties that bd

    “but i doand why it’s takguch of his ti to ahe funeral





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