正文 分卷阅读69


    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    & narcissa’s g, ci’s walk slowed aalk to the bundle cradledhis ars

    “i waited five years and fifteen hours for you, y n”

    &hrough the a that would be dra’s own

    “your other wanted a girl she toldthat over and over she wanted a daughter to ake jt like herself but the fates stead siled upon y wishes, dra ci alfoy, though i doubt you’ll ever e the iddle na until yrown and i a no lonr here”

    the baby oed at hi as ci sped at the doorway t

    “this is where you will grow up, y  fished it yesterday while your other was screag”

    baby dra led as g open the door and walked side

    dra’s roos hadn’t d over the years s had been added as dra had obtaed ore possessions, but the skeleton of what dra would livenow was there, even down to the sa lor sheets on the bed

    “your crib isy roos at the ont, but when you grow out of it this is where you will sleep”

    ci walked around the roo ahe loofloor dow that looked out over the nd surroundg alfoy anor

    “and this, y n, will day belong to you astao be deed worthy of your life partner i’ sure narcissa will press for another child, a daughter ost likely, but you  be assured, y n, that whehere will be and agast your ci to what you are entitled you are y heir and y joy”

    &hat was not holdg the baby oved to touch the baby dra’s cheek baby dra led loudly and grabbed ci’s rg frboth hale hands found the alf a off ci’s fr it idiately went to baby dra’s outh a down as hard as he uld with his toothless g

    ci chuckled at dra as he took back the rg “that too, will be yours”

    the ory shifted to ci sittg aloudy writg thg it looked like a letter but before either of the boys uld see what it was the door to the study swung open and a fiveyearold dra walked to the roo with a loud, “father!”

    ci looked up at dra “what is it dra?”

    “other says i have to wait uo learn to fly on a broo like everyone else!”

    ci raised an eyebrow

    “and i want to learn now!”

    “and you shall” the elder alfoy pced his ill down on the desk ao where dra stood with ai his face “i will teach you”

    “yay!” dra let out a happy d ed his father bef hi out of the roo

    aga the ory shifted, jupg forward six ore years, by the look of dra the eleven year old who harry had tdiagon ally outg arcissa stoodthe doorway

    “i don’t know what to do with the boy,” narcissa spoke, annher to to sleep as if he thks that if he doesn’t sleep he woo school toorrow!”

    a wry sile pyed about ci’s lips as he closed the door with a “go to bed yourself, narcissa you look like you uld e the sleep,” and approached the bed

    “nivg your other a hard ti, dra?” ci askeda ogry voice

    “i don’t want to go to school,” dra stated

    ed for dra to ove over on the bed a to dra “school is a necessary evil that we all have th, n”

    “but i don’t want to why ’t i go where you wao go? it uhan this pce,”

    “i uld  your other sisted”

    “i doher sisted”

    “dra you should not say such thgs of your other”

    “i’ rry, father”

    “it is ite alright, dra now you should t to sleep”

    dra pouted but it was a look of one who khe ot out of the bed as dra led down to the vers ed dow of the roo with a wave of his hahe door as if to leave


    he sped ahe boythe bed “yes dra?”

    “the hoe elves said that whele you would sg towhen i was d i would s i d you sang”

    “that doesn’t surprisei sped o sg to you whetle”

    “would you sg now?”






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