正文 分卷阅读74


    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    “but you knew harry—”

    “yes i knew harry liked hi, rl knows i walkedon the kissg before, but that’s not likg—n there” ro  anythg real would e of it”

    “do ynt?” herione whispered

    “i trt harry i don’t trt alfoy if it were a alfoy, i’d be happy for hi!”

    herione siled “i’ sure there arepeople you’d have a proble with, ron”

    &e hiself, ron grned “yeah, i’d have a proble if it were voldeort…or s still doesn’t  the fact that i jt doo”

    &hought for a  to the firepd ro bad forth slowly “well, if you trt harry to ake the right de about what his heart wahk what you have to do is talk to alfoy before you talk to harry you…e know that he’s true to what he feels we don’t know alfoy the  harry i thk…before you ake a de how to act about this, if they really arehe engant, you have to talk to alfoy”

    dra alost ignored da whehat there was ohe other side of the portrait he was alost fished with the st of the work he o catch uphis csses but he put down his ill ao the portraitdoor anyway

    ronald weasley was the one who had been waitg

    “harry’s  now” dra oved to close the portrait but ron sped hi

    “i kh herioo talk to you”

    dra’s lip d you assu that i want to talk to you you are istaken”

    ron visibly held back whatever retort wa of his outh “i alk to you about harry”

    harry frowly thg was stran with dra he wasn’tdanr but still…the bond

    “i have to go herione”

    the girl looked startled “why?”

    harry siled sheepishly “i fot y potio back”

    as harry escaped to the hallway, herio the s he’d brought with hi

    “but your pht there…”

    “talk ickly weasel, before you try y patience”

    “you doience, alfoy,” ron ipped before he uld s hiself, “but i want to know what your teowards harry”

    an eyebr ery “and what gives yht to discs that with ?”

    “i do i’ his friend and i’ not yourswhile i trt his des, i estion your otives”

    “you’re afraid i’ll hurt hi your fears are not u i ot hurt hi ahan i  hurt yself”

    “i know what beg a veriae entails, alfoy, and that doester about this”

    &g for a de of undyg love fro ? becae if you are you’ll t o if i were to say such thgs, i would say theharry presend harry’s alone”

    to dra’s surprise, a sile spread a’s face “but i’ll hear it at y anyway,what differe ake?”

    dra’s eyes narrowed spicioly “what are you askg?”

    “i’ askg if when you kiss harry, do you feel anythg besides your own narcissistic feelgs for yourself?”

    “t out of y sight, weasley,” dra snarled “do you thk i would kiss hi if i didn’t?”

    and dra sd the portrait closed, ign da’s protests

    chapter 37: a

    harry alost ran to rourned a rner

    “ron? why are you down here?”

    “i had to talk to alfoy”







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