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    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    dra he sileched for a few utes, broken only by the und of dra’s ill scratchg the part



    “how uch are you sendg hi?”

    dra grned devilishly, rippg off a r scrap of pard scribblg a figure ohe noral prie arryg to the alfoy faily is this” he dropped the parext to harry

    harry gaped “what?” had he really uhht? “y!”

    “of urse,” dra drawled thoughtfully “ you’re theboywho lived and all, deru would state that i double it”

    “double it?” harry was stao calcute hure that was he uldn’t “that’s crazy! how any vaults are you gog to have to epty for that?”

    dra frowhk it’ll take about a sixteehe or vaults yeah, that’s abht aybe o that’s not takg to aou has added up sce the st ti i checked the vae”

    harry stared at hi, outh agape “dra with that uey, re uld live like a kg for the rest of his life”

    dra grned “are you iplyg that you won’t? y to be a alfoy, harry” he leaned forward to whisper, “we live better thaurg harry’s outha brief kiss

    chapter 39: preparations

    & whistled, breakg re p out of his tra of thought without settg down the neg he was readg, he stood ahe shth of the kit to the stove, took the kettle off the sall f ahe uly

    &uro the headle of the artid the stated author belrao the table  of tea, p set the artiext to o others herioicle had appeared the day beforethe prophet an artiald earedthe ibbler ao hi by rs weasley, authny earedwitch weekly all three articles were on the sa ic: harry pant to dra alfoy p had to sile lightly at the skill behd the three writers they had obvioly lborated and split all the faly beeeiclesthat eae would preseails

    but it was the ic that uzzlg p the st he knew, dra alfoy and harry were  of ters to put thgs lightly aed that herig falsities about harry of urse, oo wohe three were writg about harry at all but then he rebered alb had her stran articles had appeared about harrythe prophet a while ago aybe this was to ake sure that if thgs had to be prted they wereo harry

    there was a scratchg at the do to look up fro the articles o owls were seated there, waitg to be let side nized as hedwig, the other he did not knoroudlookg eagle owl, whose feathers weredark they were alost bck p crossed to the doehe o owls fly

    the eagle owl dropped its letter oable a hedwig reaed oable,

    p took harry’s letter fro her, ope, ao read

    dear profesr p,

    as you’ve probably already seen what herien about , i woo repeat what they’ve said becae it’s true i’ engad to dra alfoy and the weddg is set for a few weeks after school butthe tradition s, sce there’s no way that dra would agree to a le oo be aopanied by y closest ale guardian i was w if you wouldn’t d beg y failial guardian now that siri is dead, but as dra has already sent his owo you i’ a little teaskg but i figured i should ask anylease send your reply back with hedwig


    p reached across the table to where his oart sat and scrawled:

    dear harry,

    i would be hoo be your failial guardian

    re p

    as hedwig ared  reached for the letter that was, as harry stated, bearg the alfoy crest

    dear profesr p,

    follog with traditioed grgotts to pce the aount listed belowyour vaulthonor of the upg arria beeen yself and harry potter i l you at the weddg

    dra ci alfoy

    p looked at the ed after the sa a was a lot of galleons

    as the weeks passed, ore teachers started to beg their lectures with “becae exas are g upa few weeks” or “ order to prepare you for your exas” the aount of howork that harry received was alost doubled as “review” assigur howork and harry still had to deal with the nts about the weddg g fro different cssates

    of urse, they o red hi that it was he who had to buy both his and dra’s robes for the weddg the l of the robes was standard both he and dra would have to wear the lors that represeheir failies, with a white bao signify that the robes were f but harry hadn’t knowyles of these “official robes” until a rather rof designs had been for hi by a group of bashful ravencw girls

    “hoosed to chrubled to ron “i  see the differehese o!”

    herione peered over his shoulder ahe lr of the robes “this set has d the other doesn’t”

    “and that akes a difference?” harry oaned

    “jt pid be do





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