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    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    “oh, and harry?” harry looked up “when you and alfoy have figured out the vitatioo publish it”

    “you want to what!”

    “publish the guest list well, vitation list, but as an vitation will be gog”

    “but why?”

    “ that we  kick out all rep the actual y,” ron exped “if we give the all the details of who will be there ahe y  out all reporters f becae there wohg left to say”

    “i guess,” harry’s head was backthe“but we have of who to vite yet”

    “you haven’t, but i bet alfoy has,” ron uttered

    & do you thk of this one?” harry asked, turng the his friehe desigely ign r

    &yle was f, three yered robes the  yer was a white dress shirt aroers the send yer was a full lehe failial lors, with long tapered sleeves the third yer le, yet elegant, bck outer robe that looked rather capelike

    “i thk they’d look lovely, harry,” herione said, lookg fro the design to harry as if she icturg hi wearg it

    &er yer looks kda like what alfoy’s dad ed to wear,” ron observed

    &hht like that”

    “what are you gog to do about your failial lors?” herione asked

    “i wrote to p about that, askg what y faily’s lors areer bloodle was too ret a bloodle to have a tradition as old as faily lors but sce siri was y godfather, he ested i e the bck faily lorsi’ll be wearg green ao y weddg”

    “what’s alf?”

    “purple and gold”

    wheurned fro sendg hedwig off to ada alk with the design, lors, as for his and dra’s weddg robes he found dra sprawled out oheir roos lookg down at a scroll of part as harry entered, he added ahe botto of the sd looked up

    “ to?” harry asked, droppg his s on the arext to the fa

    & do you thk we should cde all of our teachers or jt the heads of our hoes?”

    harry blked, ttg a sudden ia of trew his g fervently that her “ell her that the day of his weddg was not a good day for her to leave her tower “all of the i guess”

    dra nodded a nas

    “who else do you have on there?” harry asked, leang over dra’s shoulder to see

    “jt the slythers i wa t to your people yet”

    harry grned “i guess i should write those then”

    dra hahe scroll “yes you should”

    as harry read through those dra had writtehe o were o were those who had backed dra when it was revealed that he was a veriae a was revealed that he was engad to harry harry  s o


    “he’s y closest failial retive he doesn’t t an vitation,to speak, sce he’s part of the y”

    harry frowhe iddle  down ron’s na “speakg of retives, wh to dah?”

    “i haveo do about that yet”

    “i won’t allow death eaters at y weddg”

    dra snodfather is a death eater”

    “you know what i a actually wantdead”

    dra ughed “i’ certa there aredays when y godfather really does want you dead, harry”

    “ohe feelg is utual ahe estion,” harry replied as he fished addg r ao the list after fred, e, bill, charlie, a for a ont about whether to vite perot and the it the ties beeehe rest of the weasley faily were straed at best now, a want to aggravate that

    “on y father’s side of the faily, i have ives sce he was an only d his father was an only child before hi i won’t ask nard i worix”

    “what about tonks?”


    “nyphadora tonks”






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