正文 分卷阅读82


    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    harry bit his lip abseative ion would  alteratioio oftee but there was thg different about the effect of havg a ionan visibility potion obvioly it didn’t to the reverse becae that would jt ake you visible aga…it was thg about disappearg and…n off! that was it!

    &s of a ion for as of an visibility potioo lose whatever the potion is applied to stead  it visible

    &ernoon exa for onday had harry and ron headg for divation while dra aheir arithancy exa

    dra nearly groaned redi he had to ake this was ae the derivative of theta’ proble and that would dictate his life spa would e out to have nditions,it wouldhwhile  anyway and as he sed the part, yes, that was the seion: is this a ? why or why not?

    harry sat starg at ron’s palsilence as profesr trewhe roeion for harry, whi the table, faext to the harry frowly ao write

    ron’s lifele is very short he will die exactly four weeks fro now at y weddg fro the le over his thub, i  see that he will t very druhe life of oh a very strong ner eye (showion of les across the frtips) and kill hiselfgrief, as shown by the perpeoal fro his lifele

    harry sat back satisfied, havg pletely disregarded anythg factual ab he ight have known and if he rofesr trewney would read it ah the very strong ner eye was hers that way she wouldhe weddg

    the care of agical creatures exa took pcea  the send floor harry took a seat behd dra ahe par the desk which activated the g bubble hagrid’s untidy scrawl vered the first few les of the paper

    desy agical creature you letely developed essay

    harry blked ahkg of which agical creature he should write about his eyes fell ole of drafront of hi and he siled as he began to write

    veriae, or atra veritas, are perhaps o isuood agical creatures…

    agall’s transfiguration exa  uape’s potio half was a writg sed the send half ractical dra fished writg the essay (what is the differeransfigurg ao aransfigurg ao aur over it disappeared and a sall box with a note os pce a sall gardehe box, stated the he practical half of the exa was to turo a goblet dra fli the t the box ahe snake crawl out on his desk feelg fitsthe roo, he tto  over the dow, a he he snake’s aura, bleheo old the earth t to that of thg with gold and s

    harry was havg a ore difficult ti of the practi dra

    “but i don’t wa!” his sifully “they’re no fun! if i have to bee thg, akethg that goes pd sees thgs!”

    harry frowued to break his ion with its whg about how it did not wa and he was sure he uldn’t ask agall if he uld transfor it to thg else siply beake liked it better!

    frowng he closed his eyes ao block out the snake’s speech as he thought of all the aspects oblet

    harry  of aration for his astronoy exa dra had take before,the o of the jt stayedbed until n dra ed the out to t thg to eat then dra had to take his a runes exa as harry attepted to t ore sleep but sleep was n, and harry found hiself envisiong any disastro etgs beeen the dursleys aro harry exhated for his histic exa as he tried to write d he rebered about the wizardtroll wars of 1000 bcefishg the exa he was very happy to siply fall asleep on his desk roly after the exa was fished and they headed fy

    harry’s herbology exa took phoe four, which had beeions by ed gss walls,that o see what was gog ohe profesr sprout told the that there was a different pion of the gree they each had to pice side they had to ide by writg its na on the gss and had to harvest whatever eful ites they uld fro the pnt

    harry randoly picked a sed walkedto see a sallish, bhy pnt with lo looked like hair he looked at it for a ute befohe fss walls the ive, st was actually a bh, and harry ositive that’s nt was o do was t to the sall leaves uhe hairlike ones, and he would be done

    harry erd with a handful of sall leaves ahe sall b he gss wall as he headed towards the exit, he paed by dra’s se the blond olden liid to the side th





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