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    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    after dner dra headed for the firary bise was still there, and would spe; he’d broken bise’s jaw and nose, and given hi a n

    the roo was sileered bise looked up fro his bed and gave hi a sad sile as he sat down on the ext to hi

    “i’…rry i shouldn’t have—”

    “gotten carried away like that?” bise fished “don’t be you have nothg to apologize for”

    “i didn’t t carried away i wa you”

    “of urse you did you have ever s” bise dido  “then” was, they were both thkg about the t at the anner “and i ’t b you for it if i hadn’t gottenyour way, yht still be alive”

    “but you didn’t kill y father and it’s not your fault that he’s dead”

    “aybe we’ll never knoe?”

    dra ed, his eyes starg at the floor

    “i know it’s too te to say this but i’ really rry, dra if i uld fix it—”

    “don’t say it bise i don’t wa i know you’re rry i know you only did that becae you had to appear loyal you did war yself be seen but i was ua knog what en…you did the right thg”

    “i’ not on his side dra” bise whispered “but i was too weak to stand by that at the itiation” he leaned back agast the pillows “i don’t thk i’ve ever sees ore proud…or hated yself ore at ay life”

    dra he o were silent for a ont

    “do you—i a your vitatioubled through his words “do you really wantat y?”

    dra nodded slowly

    “and potter’s okay with this?”

    “do you want hi dead?”


    “the have a proble with it yood eer”

    bise sile wryly “i’ a horrible death eater”

    “i’ gd you are”

    & hall was veredred and gryffdor hoe as harry, roered for the leavg feast as they passed the slyther table, harry heard dra drawlg to pansy a if he’d beech tea, then slyther wouldhe cup that year, and uldn’t help grng

    as all of the students fous, dubledore stood aed

    &her year has passed and we’re older and hopefully a little wiser for it now for the hoe cup hufflepuff fishes the year with three hus, ravencw with three huy pots, slyther with four hus, and gryffdor with four hundred and fifty pots!” d appe filled the hall “yes, ngratutions gryffdor! and i’ll h an old an’s ublg there’s a feast to be had!”

    as food filled the tables, harry looked over at the slyther table and grned dra raised his gobleta od sirkedreply

    “ at hi and go sit with hi!” ron uttered beeen outhfuls

    “yeah harry, it’s obvio you want to!” dean added fro across the table

    “ed “sit over there?”

    “you are his fiancé,” heriohere’s o”

    “well if you don’t wanthere anyore…” harry trailed off with a gr as he stood and aidst loud denials and ughter ade his way over to the slyther table

    “jt e back for dessert!” roer hi

    “got roo for one ore?” harry urureddra’s ear

    “i don’t know, harry” dra looked up and dowhere doo be as left”

    & have to sit on your p” and harry did

    “unuth gryffdor,” dra drawled as harry grabbed a drtid added it to dra’s pte

    “yup, and you’ll t to spe of your life with ,” harry reded hi

    “oh joy,” dra drawled, but his eyes were glittergughter






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