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    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    “if you are still a student at that school, then you ot do agic—”

    “i ot do agic?” dra echoed, as ifdisbelief

    “and i will e any of your strannessy hoe!”

    harry wondered if his uncle was referrg t a wizard  his fiand the his uncle r to both

    “and here is where our viewpots differ,” dra drawled “you see to be ader the idea that i a a wizard, a student at hoghasized the ely as the dursleys flched “i a no wizardfact—” there was the und  and dra’s gs extended ouard fro his ba uard cascade of sharp bck feathers “—i a not even huan and i assure you…” dra’s head tilteddudley’s dire thg shiftedthe air and dudley found hiself suddenly thrown to the wall by an visible for very easily do agic”

    the dursleys didn’t adjt to dra ao adjt to their standards after pg that harry’s bed was the worst pieiture he’d ever seen, dra suoned a sall ary of hoe elves to pletely redo harry’s bedroo, the bathroo, the kitd any other on roos that “this poor exce for a hoe” ight have this theg at un and dra about where the al furniture had gone

    vernon said that dra had stolen it, ahat he wouldn’t touch the furhis hoe if his life depe, and that the le would fd his furheir pce dra left

    dra had al tur of the livg roo to a potions boratory which harry’s auunia uldn’t stand the sll was dreadful, she said a dra t rid of it idiately to which dra cally replied, “ake , you pathetic exce for a le”

    dudley learned very ickly to avoid dra at all sts oake of callg dra a “fag” and, once harry exped what it ant and that it was an sult, dra had sealed his outh shut and locked dudleyhis bedroo for three days

    yes, when dra and harry fally left, the dursleys were very happy to be rid of the and did o hide it

    harry ty bed the day of the weddg, and a hoe elf arg, “aster harry sir theere’s guests here, sir”

    “who are they…lilty?” harry uttered as he slid out of the os he found hiself

    “a r ronald weasley and a iss herione granr, aster harry sir”

    harry heahe i’ll be downa ute”

    herione alled earedpajaas “harry! it’s nearly noon!”

    “i know, herio ” harry thahe hoe elf that brought hi breakfast “do you want anythg?”

    “no,” herioh ron and herself “you have to t dressed, harry! guests will start to arrivethree hours!”

    “p and snape should be here any ute,” ron added, swipg a uff off the tray that had been brought to harry

    “fe, fe, i’ gog!” harry shook his head helplessly as he headed back to dra ao

    herione and ron looked arouhey waited for their friend

    “the hoe elves have outdoheselves,” rly aditted “it doesn’t look half bad”

    “it looks geo, ron,” herioed hi a did

    &ire first floor and stairway had beee and ptu the arble and wooden floors shoh eal sparkle, as if jt ed gare roses hung fro the oldgs and arouers the flardehe double doors of the a ndition andfull bloo white petals had beehe walkway and across the s, ae orchids sat prily on every dowsill

    “your hbaaste, r alfoy” kuttera dra’s robes “here are the rgs i y years, r alfoy”

    “thank you”

    snape and p arrived at aroui, with dra follog shortly after snape and dra theo what had been ci’s study and was no, herione, and roh harry

    she rgs for a  the back to dra “they’re lovely they’ll do both of you jtid the spell work is iacute”


    “are you nervo?”

    “why should i be?”

    “you have the weasley s g to your y they’ll probably try to jx the doors shut”

    dra b tellthgs like that”

    “you’re serio then”

    “of urse i’ serio did you doubt ?”






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