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    (HP同人)Black Truth(英文版) 作者:Inferi


    “gryffdor!” it yelled, and harry sirked at dra befthe appe fhter

    &, harry,” dra reded hi over the d she ur to groan would the rivalry beeen those o never s? for oe?

    dra edd forwardhis seat as herioo the

    “alfoy, ci”

    snape’s jaw dropped as a  py of the ci he had goo school with ade his way through the sall huddle of first years, afully at his fathers bef dowed patiently as the hat ards his head  touched the long ptu hairs that were brhed back to a horsetail did it shout:


    dra bead at his n as ci sat proudly at the slyther table, very uchthe sa seat that dra hiself had  his years at hogwarts the s shot each g looks across the hall ahe ur t of all the trouble o alfoys—who otter—would ow that they weredifferent hoes

    &hk that we  have feared, harry,” dra spoke as the rtg erhacy will be ntued”

    nothg else was said until “weasley, ordred” was rted

    “ordred?” she bloo hi as the redheaded boy sat dowool and his other dropped the hat on his head

    “it arently rs weasley’s idea,” was all the alfoy patriarch would exp “and r weasley dideration to tell her no, not after elve hours of bor”

    snape nodded, cg slightly, aever fuidg the u he would o worry about  of his own


    at the other eable, the flyg struald weasley, begahe very air he was breathg herione, however, siled proudly at her n and watched hi er over to the table over whig green and silver bahe redhead plopped dowo d, fro the nspirg grs beeen the o, harry and dra both khg his turs

    dra uld “you should be happy, weasley,” he sirked dow the sputterg ron “y boy will ake sure yrht”

    ron shot a gre at dra but didn’t say anythg, p his attentiog y

    & night harry rearked ohe anor, now that d lily were staygthe hogwarts dors

    dra’s sile redatory as he whisperedharry’s ear, “i bet i uld ake you screa loudly enough that it echoes”

    and he roven that was there not the und of a ryg to t their attentiohere is a guest deahe fire”

    dra sighed and got up, pullg harry off the uch with hi the o walked to the foyer where a very irate sever shethe firepce

    “dra, i o floo to hogwarts idiately you are needed as head of slyther hoe”


    “be and his weasley frie eakg to the restricted se of the library”

    harry burst out ughg as dra ed ao grabfloo powder he had a feelg the o wouldn’t be puryg to she restricted se their first night of hogwarts no, dra would chew the both out with a lecture to rival aerly destroy one of snape’s own; but it would  breakg the rules…no, it would be ab the rules and ttg caught






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